About Us

You found us. Now discover why.

Whether through Tim Ferriss' "The 4-Hour Body," Dr. Peter Attia's "Outlive," or a savvy doctor's recommendation, welcome to DexaFit—where cutting-edge health tech meets the discerning wellness seeker.

If the intrigue stemmed from DexaFit's feature in Netflix's "You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment" documentary, sparking heated debates in the diet and fitness industry, we're delighted to have you on this journey. Explore the latest in health technology with us at DexaFit.

When the scale falls short

Ever questioned the true meaning behind your scale's numbers? Is it fat lost, muscle gained, or a blend of both? At DexaFit, we're all about delving deeper. Traditional check-ups often offer generic advice, missing the mark. And while wearables track the basics, we paint the full picture. Picture us as your health's conductor, harmonizing data from all angles into a melody of enlightenment.

Explore Your Health with DexaFit

Picture a place where your health becomes a personalized story, powered by advanced tech. At DexaFit, we don't just measure; we explain. We're here to support you on a journey of accuracy, customization, and empowerment. Your health journey is yours alone, and we're here to make it understandable. Whether it's reaching weight goals, boosting fitness, or toning muscles, our customized plans are your secret weapon.

Your next chapter in health starts here

Dive deeper into your health journey with DexaFit. Get detailed analysis of your body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic health, and more. With our advanced technology and expert guidance, you will receive personalized insights tailored specifically to you. Don't leave your health to chance; book an appointment with us to reach your peak potential.